Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Rahsia di sebalik "IN A RELATIONSHIP"

      Assalamualaikum..arini keh nk ckp kt aokme sume tntng rahsia di sebalik "IN A RELATIONSHIP" keh kt fb..fb??fb?? ye fb..alaaa,facebook laa..hish..ape ke bnde laa,xphm2 lg aokme sume ni..oooOok! stop with the pahang dialect..sounds kinda weird..hehe ok,i know u all seriously dieing n wanting to know about this "RAHSIA"..uhuk~ i've been keeping this secret almost 3 or 4 month..bknnye ape,saje je nk gurau2 nan korang..alalalalala~ suke laa 2..haha! ok3,ade yg nk marh plak ni..ye,ye,ye..bkn mcm ni care nk gurau smpai tipu korang sume,sory kwn..huhu ok,sbnrnye..aq wat status ni sbb agak malu laa coz daa broke up with u know who kn..ye,xspttnye malu..perasaan sntiase brubah..kjap syg kjp x..tp spe yg tau kn..kite cume ley berdoa..n kite hnye merncang..mybe ape yg kite rncng 1 perkara yg baik..tp Allah ade rancngn yg lg baik..redha sudah laa kn & kne igt jodoh ditngan tuhan..huhu ok,aq pon ase korng daa tau spe ni..

Tu dia!~ cntik wooo~ haha ni dia,saudari siti nur araffah..still got the spelling rite on her name..huhu terigt plak daa time mse dlu2 ni..hurm~ ni gmba kmi..time kami still bergelar "couple"

        Kiri Time Dinner n Kanan Time Birthday cik puan..sy dtg uma die bg hadiah..GENTLEMEN kn..kn3~

              Huhuhu..cam menarik je kn cite aq..ehh,aq bg gmba2 sume x cite gak asl aq wat in a relationship lg..ehhh,ke daa ye..hurm..opps! daa ler..hehe saje je nk bg pnjng ni...ahaha ok,still korng xtau when is the real date that we broke up..fyi..xphm??..ok FOR YOUR INFORMATION..hah amek kau,aq broke up nan die pd 21 DISEMBER 2010..hua3 hebat aq igt sume ni..haha and start at 31 OCTOBER 2009,pergh lg hebart..wa,wa,wa..p mst nak tau kn sbb break up??..heh!~ cannot know laa..only certain2 people je yg tau..huhu someone that i really trust jeling kt adibah ^.~,tp klu nk gtau pnjng gak laa..but 4 sure am not telling you guys,bg betis nk peha!!..just,nk gtau korng yg aq broke up nan care yg bek n further news that "couple" may lead us to SIN~ uuuuuww~You may go to HELL!! so we always feel innocent actually..huhu and that is one of the sebab..-,- ok,moving on..after we broke up,kami still contact..msj,kami teman tp mesra actually..haha! ape,xcaye ke??..hish~ pape tah..tp agak payh laa nk contact ritu..yo lah,2 bulan yg lepas i jadi bdak U,bz laa..tu laa hampa sume dok wat bnde len..kawan dok p blaja hang wat xtau..sadis i tau..haha ok..time pass as we move on..kawan ttp kawn..tp just xmcm dlu laa kn..syg masih ade lg lam hti ni..agak payh nk pudar..ye laa,the person that i loved for almost 1 and a half year..igt sng2 je ke..n as u all know that status i kat FB daa single..single2 pon,it doesn't mean that im available..it's to early for me to find myself a new mate..n weeee~ aq daa xtpu korang daa..haha tp jgn cube nk ngorat i ni..i xkn layan for now korng..haha i think,thats the end of my story,sorry for lying you guys..n know you know the truth..huhu if you read this story

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me

P/S: Ara if u read this..just want to say that thanks for all of the thing that u have given me..thanks for being there when i need you..you're always there for me..and lastly..thanks for loving me for who i am and not in a different way~ <3 there's a lot to say..but you know what i want to say actually..huhu 



  1. Jiwang gak mamat ni rupenye..^^

  2. cayalah pali...

  3. hazim:kau xknal lg spe pali nih..hahaha
    mirul:yahh!! sedey!~

  4. wow..jiwangnye..
    btw..ara lawa..tpi mcm gengster sket...hoho..

  5. ntah dr mne dtgnye jiwang 2..ahaha

  6. KAMON LA!!!..
    aku da tau lame da wei

  7. well,you're not the 1st one who know about this~ wuuu!~

  8. pehh..ade nme aku!bru nk bgtau..dh basi..ahaha

  9. well,ni bkn tok korng laa klu mcm 2..
    ramai lg yg perlu tau beb..kah3

  10. hakhakhakhak...
    ak hrap ak x dgr dr mlut ko yg ko cair smulaa...

  11. bro,
    xley expect laa..ne tau ley lg ke..
    ehem3~ haha!

  12. ala...truskan jela nnti bile dah ade mase...mmg xley kapel pon..nnti bertunang jela dlu...pastu trus kahwin...(pensel)
